Cable Application
Cable can be designated as duct (non-metallic) cable. Cable can be installed by pulling or air blown in ducts or micro-ducts or on cable trays. Fiber Optic cables are cables are used for triple-play (Voice-video-data), FTTx applications in telecommunication projects, long-haul, backbone, metropolitan, broadband, utility and intelligent traffic control, supervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA), cable TV (CATV), military, etc.
Cable Design (NON METALLIC)
Outdoor cable – Jelly filled loose tube/filler elements are stranded around a dielectric central strength member (FRP) by reverse oscillation lay (SZ) method, cable core protected from water penetration inside the core by water blocking tape/yarns, glass yarns provided for extra tensile strength under (or) over water blocking tape and inner / outer sheath of High Density Polyethylene.
Cable Design (METALLIC)
Outdoor cable – Jelly filled loose tube/filler elements are stranded around a dielectric central strength member (FRP) by reverse oscillation lay (SZ) method, cable core protected from water penetration inside the core by water blocking tape/yarns, glass yarns provided for extra tensile strength under (or) over glass yarns, inner polyethylene sheath, corrugating steel tape for rodent & mechanical protection and outer sheath of Polyethylene.
Applicable Standards
IEC 60793, IEC 60794-1-2, ITU-T Recommendations, TIA/EIA-455 (FOTP)