This defines the values that FBR Cables expects from all its employees
We are open-minded and approachable with our customers, our suppliers and everyone we deal with. We are realistic and see the world as it is. We share relevant information between us and those with whom we do business.
Only the best is good for us. We are proud of our company and look forward to its success. We cultivate the passion for excellence.
We are totally professional in every way and keep the highest standards of precision and quality in everything we do. We respond quickly both internally and externally.
We respect each other and trust each other and all those with whom we do business. We know how to recognize our own responsibilities. When something goes wrong, we try to solve the problem and not to blame someone.
We communicate face to face whenever possible. Our management is accessible and visible, the staff is trusted and empowered to make the right decisions. Communication takes precedence if it is necessary.
Learning is continuous. Each of us shares responsibility for our own development. We welcome changes, are open to suggestions and are committed to making new ideas work.
Good manners
We aim to be pleasant and friendly with both our colleagues and our customers. We treat as guests all the people who work or do business with us. We take pleasure in being professional.
We are honest with ourselves and those with whom we do business. We promise only what we can accomplish and strive to achieve it.